After tinkering with this app for a couple days, it is now my everyday camera app. Ive experienced no crashes at all to date.
The scratchpad feature alone is worth the money. Its so easy to tap away, click 30 pics then swipe and decide which ones are saved to my camera roll and which ones are junk. Awesome feature. I didnt get the manual lighting and focus features at first but after messing around with the exposure circle I caught on. Its so easy to take a picture at sunset and not have the sun kill the photo with this app. Just put the exposure circle over the sun.
Although landscape pictures arent my thing, Im warming up to the ratio. Its clearly a cinematic throwback. Last but certainly not least is the design and ease of use. This app is sleek and cool. The attention to detail is evident even down to the shutter design. Seriously, this is the easiest camera app to use, no buttons to press, just tap and swipe. Im a fan.
Jdrhyne about Pris: A Unique Mobile Camera